FSL Community BSP 1.7 is out!
Nov 5, 2014We’re glad to announce the FSL Community BSP 1.7 (codename Dizzy); it has been a busy release cycle with some new boards support added. In total we now support 42 boards from several vendors.
During the 1.7 release cycle, a new SoC family support (QorlQ Layerscape1) has been included and the application and graphical stack support (better Wayland, Qt5 and Chromium support to enumerate some) has been greatly extended. This all has been accomplished with way less changes on the core BSP layer (53% less commits) which enforces the compromise of FSL Community BSP with long term quality and support.
Another worth citing news is regarding the release notes. It is available online and gives an overview of supported boards, available version for default and optional packages and known issues at time of the release.
The release notes has been completely reworked and extended in this release. It now offers a PDF version (for viewing and printing) alongside with the regular online one.